Who was the person that spoke to me via my cellular phone?

So I was with my feminine love interest. We decided to do the activity that every love couple does: Making out. But then my cellular phone starts making sounds known as ringing.
I said to my feminine love interest: Sorry, sweetheart. I'm going to answer my cellular phone. Hold on.
I answered to my cellular phone: Hello?
The person on the other side spoke to me via my cellular phone with his voice raising: What are you thinking you are doing with my feminine successor?!
I shut down my cellular phone, turned around and asked my feminine love interest: How does your masculine parental figure know my number of my cellular phone and why was he raising voice at me?!
She replied me: My masculine parental figure had met his demise long ago.
And I was looking like: Then who was the person that spoke to me via my cellular phone?